Why do I get two menstruation in one month?

Dealing with your period once a month is hard enough—the pains, the mood swings, the destroyed underwear... But what if it happens twice?

It turns out that getting your period twice in a month isn't that unusual. 

But if you're in that (unlucky) category, keep this in mind: According to Alyssa Dweck, M.D., an ob-gyn and author of The Complete A to Z for Your V, “irregular bleeding can have varied consequences based on age, medical history, and family history.” “If you have chronic, recurring, or concerning bleeding patterns, you should seek ob-gyn advice.”

Why do I get two menstruation in one month?

So, how is it possible to have two periods in a single month?

“The usual cycle should last anywhere from two to seven days and occur every 21 to 35 days,” says Lakeisha Richardson, M.D., an ob-gyn in Greenville, Mississippi. 

If you're on the shorter end of the scale, the math might easily result in you having your period twice in a month. And, according to her, around 40 to 60 percent of women will have irregular periods at some point in their life.

Your "period" might potentially be bleeding caused by a medical issue or skipped birth control if your cycle isn't on the shorter end of the spectrum. 

Even if the majority of the causes are completely harmless, consulting your doctor can assist you in determining the root of the problem.

If you're having two periods in a month, here's what to look for and how to get your cycle back on schedule.

1. You didn't remember to take your birth control pill.

Dr. Richardson explains, "Missing birth control tablets or forgetting your Depo-Provera injection will always produce irregular bleeding." “Anytime you don't utilise a birth control technique appropriately, you'll bleed since your hormones are abruptly depleted.” This type of bleeding, on the other hand, is not a medical emergency.

What can be done about it?

The bleeding will stop if you continue your birth control and follow the directions, she claims. You avoid pregnancy until your next period, make sure to utilise a backup form of birth control.

2. You're pregnant.

I understand that becoming pregnant entails missing periods. However, “believe it or not, some pregnant women will bleed irregularly,” adds Dr. Dweck. Spotting is frequent during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, and can be caused by a variety of factors, including intense activity or sex, or polyps (benign lesions that can develop inside the uterus or cervix and bleed spontaneously), according to Dr. Richardson. 

(Spotting can develop later in pregnancy as a result of intense activity or sex, or as a result of polyps, which are benign tumours that can form inside the uterus or cervix and 
bleed spontaneously, according to Dr. Richardson.)
Ectopic pregnancies (when a fertilised egg implants outside the uterus) can also produce irregular bleeding early in pregnancy, according to Christine Masterson, M.D., chief of the Summit Medical Group's women and children's service line in New Jersey. When compared to white women, black women are more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy, and BIPOC groups are more likely to have problems as a result of an ectopic pregnancy. 

These racial inequalities might be caused by a variety of complicated variables entrenched in institutional racism, such as a lack of appropriate medical treatment and follow-ups, as well as persistent mother stress.

What can be done about it?
A simple pregnancy test can obviously rule out a bun in the oven. 

If you haven't missed your period yet, keep in mind that false negatives are very frequent. 

Take the test again about a week after you'd normally expect to have your period if you had earlier-than-expected bleeding following your typical period.
See your doctor for an ultrasound to check if the embryo has implanted in your uterus, as ectopic pregnancies can also result in a positive pregnancy test and can become an emergency if left untreated. If the pregnancy is ectopic, you'll be given medication and perhaps additional therapies to prevent life-threatening complications.

3. You have polyps or fibroids in your uterus.

Polyps and fibroids—benign lesions or tumours that can form in the uterus—are frequent uterine problems that might be linked to hormone imbalances. “Uterine polyps can cause bleeding between periods,” says Dr. Dweck, especially if they're touched during sex, and “fibroids can cause pain, back pain, abdominal bloating, anaemia, pain during intercourse, and spontaneous bleeding because they're not associated with the menstrual cycle,” says Dr. Richardson.

While fibroids can afflict women of any age or ethnicity, black women are three times more likely than white women to acquire them, and their symptoms appear at a younger age and are more severe. It's unknown why Black women are more likely than white women to get fibroids, although some research suggest that racial prejudice or genetics may play a role.

Heavy, painful periods may feel like a fact of life since they're so common—and many women wait years to seek treatment for fibroids—but you don't have to suffer needlessly, as the Black Women's Health Imperative points out.

What can be done about it?
An ultrasound, a uterine biopsy, or a hysteroscopy can all be done at your ob-office. gyn's (a scope that looks into the uterus). Hormonal medicines including progestins (often in the form of an IUD) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists can help with polyp symptoms and uterine fibroids shrinkage.
To eliminate the growths, surgery or other medical treatments may be required. According to Dr. Richardson, “removal of the growths is typically curative and confirms that there are no other reasons of irregular bleeding.”

4. You have an infection in your lower abdomen.

Vaginal and cervical infections are aggravating for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the possibility of bleeding outside of your period. According to Dr. Richardson, “inflammation or infection of the cervix with bacteria such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis can induce irregular bleeding.”

Although you may feel foul-smelling or grey, white, or green discharge, itching or burning in your genital area, or burning during urination, many STDs don't produce any additional symptoms.

What can be done about it?
Consult your doctor right away; these illnesses may typically be treated promptly and successfully with medicines. She explains, "Research has proven that sexually transmitted diseases like trichomoniasis enhance your chance of getting HIV and other STDs."

5. Your thyroid is malfunctioning.

Your menstruation may arrive twice in a month if your thyroid gland is underactive or hyperactive. “Hormones that govern menstruation and ovulation are generated and regulated in the same region of the brain—the pituitary and hypothalamus—as are hormones that control the thyroid gland,” adds Dweck. “If one is off, the other might be harmed.”
You may lose weight suddenly, feel agitated or worried, have a fast heartbeat, or have problems sleeping if you have hyperthyroidism (when your thyroid produces too much of the thyroxine hormone). Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is underactive (too little thyroxine hormone)can cause weight gain, constipation, fatigue, and increased sensitivity to cold, among other symptoms.
Thyroid disease risk may differ by race, perhaps as a result of a mix of environmental and hereditary variables. Graves disease, an autoimmune condition that is typically at the core of hyperthyroidism, is more common in Black, Asian, and Pacific Islander women than in white women, according to a 2014 research published in JAMA. White women, on the other hand, are more likely to have Hashimoto's disease, which causes hypothyroidism.

What can be done about it?
A blood test is used to diagnose this condition, and it is usually treated with medicine. Hypothyroidism medications bring your levels back to normal, so your symptoms should go away and you'll feel better soon. By preventing your thyroid from overproducing hormones, hyperthyroidism medicines can alleviate symptoms in as little as a few weeks. The majority of the time, this therapy resolves the problem permanently, however surgery may be required in certain cases.

6. You have PCOS.

According to the National Institutes of Health, polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal imbalance that affects 8 to 20% of women. “It's caused by less frequent ovulation or a lack of ovulation, resulting in an oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone imbalance,” adds Dr. Dweck. “Irregular bleeding is one of several symptoms.”
Despite the fact that PCOS causes irregular periods, many women actually have fewer or no periods. Other common symptoms include acne, weight gain, hair development in male-specific areas (such as the upper lip or chin), and reproductive difficulties, according to her.

PCOS is not appear to be more frequent in any one race or ethnic group, according to WH, although your symptoms may vary. Latinx persons, for example, are more likely to experience severe PCOS symptoms such as acne, hair loss on the scalp, and unwanted hair growth elsewhere. Black people with PCOS may have a higher chance of having heart disease.

Furthermore, institutional racism and unconscious prejudice create hurdles to effective diagnosis and treatment: BIPOC may be unable to obtain excellent health care for an exam, and medical professionals may not consider their symptoms as seriously as white women's complaints.

What can be done about it?
If you believe you might have PCOS, make an appointment with your doctor to have a pelvic exam, ultrasound, and blood test done. If your PCOS is causing irregular bleeding, you'll almost certainly be prescribed birth control tablets or progesterone treatment to help you regulate your periods. Because PCOS symptoms are typically associated with weight gain, your doctor may advise you to make lifestyle modifications to help you lose weight.

7. You have precancerous or cancerous cells.

Precancerous and cancerous cells present in the uterus and cervix can cause irregular bleeding. Dr. Dweck explains, "Suffice it to say, a tumour developing on the cervix or uterus might bleed unpredictably." According to one research, irregular periods are linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer, thus early identification is crucial.
According to the CDC, the incidence rates of gynaecological cancer differ by race and ethnicity—cervical cancer affects Hispanic women disproportionately, while uterine cancer affects Black and white women.

What can be done about it?
If you've ruled out other possibilities, see an ob-gyn right away for an ultrasound and uterine biopsy, as well as a pap smear and cervical biopsies.

8. You're seriously stressed out.

Because the chemicals that allow your ovaries to ovulate every month begin in the brain, high levels of stress can induce either more frequent or entirely missing periods, according to Dr. Masterson (you know, the same place where stress starts).
Basically, when you're overworked or worried a lot (especially if it's causing you to sleep less), your hormones might malfunction and negatively influence your cycle.

What can be done about it?
Consider performing some yoga or meditation techniques, or talking to someone who can help you manage your stress, if you've been psychologically pushed to the limit recently. According to Dr. Masterson, you'll be amazed at how much it can benefit your mind and body.

9. You've lately returned from a trip.

You might be able to blame your irregular bleeding on your trip if you return home to discover an earlier-than-expected period greeting you. Excessive travel, depending on how far away from home you go, might cause your period to be disrupted.
According to Dr. Masterson, “interfering with your circadian rhythms, such as moving time zones or working night shifts, might induce alterations in the chemicals that trigger your cycle.”

What can be done about it?
As long as the trip was just temporary, this should go away on its own. However, if you work the night shift on a regular basis, irregular periods may become your new normal. Aim for at least six hours of sleep every night, and make the most of it by shutting out noise and light and avoiding using displays (such as your phone) immediately before bedtime.
Because you're already experiencing the affects of late nights—and shift work may be harmful to your health over time, increasing your risk of anxiety, depression, GI issues, and even heart disease—you should speak with your supervisor about reworking your schedule.

10. You're in the early stages of menopause.

According to Dr. Masterson, perimenopause, which can begin as early as your mid-thirties, can produce irregular periods, including those that are more frequent and heavier than normal. Hot flashes, nocturnal sweats, vaginal dryness, and sleep difficulties are some signs to look out for.

What can be done about it?
There's not much you can do about this (you have to let nature take its course), but there are medicines and other therapies that can help with the overall symptoms of perimenopause if your OB has determined that's what's going on. Hormone replacement treatment, which is taking a tablet to increase oestrogen levels, can help alleviate perimenopause symptoms and decrease bone loss associated with menopause.

11. You've gained a lot of weight.

Rapid weight gain or reduction, as well as extreme activity, might alter the hormones that promote ovulation, causing your cycle to change.
“When you do a lot of exercise or lose weight, your body shuts down the ovulatory process because it believes it's in a famine scenario, which isn't a good time to produce a baby,” Masterson adds. “However, if you've gained a lot of weight, you could notice that irregular bleeding occurs more or less frequently than usual.”

What can be done about it?
Check in with your doctor if you think your weight is to blame for your irregular periods; it's conceivable that external causes, such as a medical condition or new medication, are contributing to your weight increase and should be investigated.

12. You have endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disorder in which some of the lining of your uterus becomes stuck outside of it. This means there's more tissue to shed each month, resulting in heavier and more frequent periods. You may experience other symptoms such as nausea, tiredness, pain during sex, and discomfort with bowel movements in addition to painful periods.
As previously reported by WH, Asian women are more likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis, whereas Black and Latinx women are only around half as likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis as white women. Medical practitioners may minimise BIPOC symptoms or ascribe them to worry rather than endo, and they tend to under-treat Black women's discomfort, which can be related back to racial bias.

What can be done about it?
Consult your doctor, who may order a few tests, including an ultrasound, a pelvic exam, and maybe an MRI or a biopsy. If endometriosis is the cause of your irregular periods, you may be prescribed birth control or another hormone medication to help relieve discomfort and limit endometrial tissue growth.

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